Complex Systems

15 June - 31 July 2023

Claassen delves into the profound exploration of the intricate pathways of the mind, tracing the labyrinthine trajectory that consciousness follows from its inception to its inevitable dissolution. Through systematic exploration and mapping of the mind, he has discovered interconnected complex systems that mirror the tapestry of society and nature. 


The Self is a transcendent or divine quality, as Carl Jung once stated, "Man's task is to become conscious of the contents that emerge from the unconscious." 


By viewing the workings of the mind through the lens of complex systems, Claassen has gained insights that extend beyond individual psychology, offering potential solutions to communal and environmental challenges while recognising the inherent interconnectedness of all phenomena. Each individual serves as an integral component of a collective complex system, and by examining the individual, we can gain invaluable understanding of the broader system that encompasses us all.